The Science Pawdcast

Pet Chat September 28th: Bunsen's Astonishing Health Journey and Cosplay Adventures at Comic-Con

Jason Zackowski

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What happens when a beloved Bernese Mountain Dog faces a health scare that even the most experienced veterinarians find astonishing? Join us on Pet Chat as we recount the gripping tale of Bunsen and the discovery of an enormous 10-pound cyst caused by a rare European tapeworm. The sheer improbability of this occurrence adds an element of mystery to Bunsen's story, and we share the relief and gratitude of having the cyst safely removed. Our conversation with the vet unpacks the potential life-threatening risks, ensuring a lesson learned for every pet parent about the unexpected challenges of keeping our furry friends healthy.

Fresh from Bunsen's remarkable recovery, we ventured to Comic-Con for some cosplay adventures that brought joy and laughter. Picture Bunsen and Beaker lighting up the event dressed as Gandalf and Milkbone Baggins! We share heartwarming interactions with fans and a star-studded moment with Emily Swallow from The Mandalorian. The creative process behind our pets' costumes is a story of its own, blending comfort with character accuracy, and capturing the essence of a special day filled with camaraderie and fun. This segment promises a delightful escape into a world where pets become legendary figures of fantasy.

Wrapping up, we dive into a heartwarming collection of community stories and pet antics, from Bernoulli’s surprising intelligence to the newfound fame of our turtles, Carl and Sagan. We celebrate the bond we share with our audience, highlighting the support and love shown during Bunsen's health ordeal. With amusing tales of students interacting with teachers' pets and a peek into the charming dynamics of our furry family, we conclude with a heartfelt appreciation of the joys and quirks of pet ownership. Sprinkle in the excitement of our upcoming audiobook "Text from Bunsen, Volume Three," and you're left with a podcast episode that connects, entertains, and leaves you eagerly anticipating more.

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Speaker 1:

Hello pet enthusiasts, welcome to Pet Chat. My name is Jason Zakowski. I'm the dog dad of Bunsen, beaker and Bernoulli the science dogs on social media, my co-hostess with the mostest is Hi there.

Speaker 2:

I'm Chris Zakikowsky. I am the dog mom to Wow For all of you on live. You got to see the finger guns from Jason. He's pointing at me in the right direction. I love it. That's awesome. But I am the dog mom to Bunsen and Beaker and Bernoulli and the cat mom to Ginger.

Speaker 1:

But Chris, you also have, have turtles people just found out that we have turtles from the newsweek article they learned about the turtles yeah, they didn't know we had turtles. We got so many comments like wow, I didn't know, you have turtles. You should make an instagram account for your turtles. So I think we need to start posting turtle content again maybe again on our regular account.

Speaker 2:

We're not opening up a new account no, it's too much.

Speaker 1:

So let's start with the big news. Monday ago, two mondays ago, we found out what the thing was that was removed from bunsen. I wrote about it in our newsletter and I posted about it, but not everybody has seen that. I'm sure not everybody subscribes to our newsletter and it's usually in our story on instagram and every sunday it's Twitter and Facebook. Do you want to start that, chris? Do you want to start the story about what the thing was in Bunsen that was killing him?

Speaker 2:

I sure do. And now, jason, you know me right, like a long story short, I can't do that. In fact, I tell short stories long, and the longer the better. So I start right at the beginning, where I received a text from Jason and I said and the tech said hey, we have a vet appointment tonight at six o'clock to talk about what they found in Bunsen. And then he had a workout and I met him there and we arrived at the vet clinic and then we went in and we went and sat in a room and then the vet came in, the surgeon, he came in and he's I actually don't like this room. Can we go to the bigger room?

Speaker 2:

yeah with the comfy couches, and Jason and I both had the same thought, but we didn't say it to each other at that time. We said it after the appointment. Whoa, you made my face really big.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Somebody on Instagram was like why are the screens so tiny? Oh, that's just how we it's, so our faces don't like zoom in on the screen.

Speaker 2:

That's why it just went very zoomie for a second there. Sorry. Anyway. So I'm just going to continue my long story long, my short story long. Here I go. So then now you, both of you and I were thinking, oh no, we're going into the comfortable room. Bad news. The comfortable coaches means bad news. Yeah, the cry coaches. We were both thinking that those were the cry coaches and we sat down and we were ready and he said it's the most extraordinary thing.

Speaker 1:

That's what he said and we're like how do you respond to that? What is the most extraordinary thing? And then he got right to it. He said To it.

Speaker 2:

He knows how to tell a long story short.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So he said it's the most extraordinary thing. I forget the actual scientific name of the tapeworm, but he it's. In a sense it was a massive 10 pound tapeworm tapeworm cyst. And he went through why that was so extraordinary. And Bunsen may be the only case in all of Western Canada, but this tapeworm is from Europe, so it's not from Canada.

Speaker 1:

And what happens is that when a mouse gets infected, the cyst grows. The cyst is like a. There's a little proto-tapeworm inside of it. Think of it like a tapeworm larva and the host, the mouse, makes a protective fleshy coating around it. The tapeworm tricks the body into doing that so it can stay nice and alive inside this protective fleshy coating. And normally what happens is a wolf or a coyote comes along, eats the mouse and the cist, or an apex predator or an apex predator like a bunsen, and the tapeworm cyst wakes up in the digestive system and turns into a tapeworm and then sheds eggs and those eggs go on to infect the mouse and the life cycle of horror repeats itself. Now what? There is something like less than a 0.01 chance of this happening, where a predator like bunsen gets the cyst, and because he wasn't but that's what happened he was the most in the scenario yeah he was.

Speaker 2:

He had the little cyst, the proto tapeworm inside him. Yeah, and because he wasn't eaten by the coyote and he wasn't eaten by the wolf and he wasn't eaten by the apex predator, it, the tapeworm just kept going, the little larva thing, yeah, in there and it grew until it became a problem for him and it was killing him.

Speaker 1:

And if I and we've played armchair quarterback about the last three months like I thought bunsen was getting pudgy around his stomach and I feel terrible about that, but it was but also like he had a scan of his head yeah had he had a full body scan, from head to toe, they would have seen it yeah, there were all of these things that happened and of course that's, the cyst could have burst and it could have.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and dr keys, the surgeon, said if that happened, bunsen would instantly died, he would have went into shock and by the time you got him to the hospital he there's nothing they would be able to do because and they would be trying to figure out what happened and it would have been so rare that's not something they would have figured out. So they, they. That's what was removed from bunsen. That's why it took so long for us to get the results. I know everybody was waiting for the results and it was this extraordinary tapeworm cyst like extraordinary rare. And what's the other issue with that, chris, that we had to worry about for the last two weeks.

Speaker 2:

It's zoonotic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's zoonotic.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that means it can be transferred to humans the tapeworm, and where the tapeworm cyst lives in humans is the lungs and liver, which it grows and grows until it becomes a problem. Yeah, and how do you remove a cyst from your lungs? With surgery, of course, but is it going to be successful? Losing a percentage of your lungs, maybe, not liver? The liver is really hard to. I'm not a doctor, I'm not a surgeon, but I believe the liver is a concern.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can lose some of your liver, but with the cyst in there, I don't know yeah, um, so we had to have bunsen checked to see if he was both the intermediate host and the dominant host, because then all shedding eggs we could have worms and cysts coming up. Everybody who's come in contact with bunsen, basically yeah, so we had.

Speaker 2:

Now here's the thing here's the thing, okay normally they do a float test, so you take the dog's poop in and they float and then the parasites float to the top. Or they'll put it in a centrifuge and the parasites like pop right out. But no, this cyst prototype larva thing really likes to protect itself and hide. So unfortunately we had to send it away for more testing. Yeah, for the more accurate test and good news so that's the other huge news.

Speaker 1:

like thursday, we got the results on this expensive PCR test and Bunsen is negative for any kind of worm DNA. So when the cyst came out of him that was all of the tapeworm, so he we don't have to worry.

Speaker 2:

And however we do have to, we are going to send him in for a full body scan in about three months after he's had a chance to heal, and then check and see if there's any more cysts in there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and all of those chances are extremely low. So we're hoping this is, like the book, the end of the story for this extraordinary situation with Bunsen. There are some good questions, chris. I think we can answer these because they're related to our story. They're coming in from social media everywhere, like one was what were Bunsen's symptoms? So I'll speak about that because I saw them. Bunsen was fine. He had no symptoms, aside from again playing armchair quarterback. Maybe he was more tired, and more tired than normal. But it was the morning where everything the crap hit the fan, where he was uncontrollably vomiting and in incredible pain and I thought he had bloat. So we rushed him to the hospital and that's what they thought. So the symptoms were like bloat in a dog. And then another person, lauren, wanted to ask did he eat a mouse? And the answer is chris, we don't. We'll never know. We will never know where he got it from that, because to get to that size in a human would take five, three, was it four to twelve years five to fifteen five to fifteen years.

Speaker 1:

So bunsen could have got it when he was a puppy. He could have got it in utero from his mom.

Speaker 2:

He could have got it four years ago, five years ago, but it's been in him for a while I wanted to tell everybody about his atrophied face oh okay, we go ahead, chris so in june, right after we got bernoulli, we took bunsen in to get his board of Teleshot, along with Bernoulli, and the same vet who was working with Bernoulli had worked with Bunsen about his earache and maybe he had an ear infection or maybe it was his teeth which caused us to go for the MRI of his skull, because his whole one side, his whole right side, was atrophied and he wasn't chewing on his right side. Now everybody I've asked, every single person I've asked, and including the surgeon, I said are these things connected? And they all tell me no. But Bunsen wasn't eating on his right side when he had the big giant cyst inside him, his little alien baby, and it got removed and he's eating on his right side now and his face is growing back.

Speaker 1:

What I don't know. Madison has your back. Bunsen's face has grown back.

Speaker 2:

That has to be related it's not 100, but it's definitely not anymore it is getting better, it's not it's.

Speaker 1:

You can't tell but, like before, you could tell by looking at him. That is, one side of his face had atrophied quite a bit.

Speaker 2:

But that's the importance of knowing your dogs and knowing your pets and knowing their, their baseline. I don't want to speak out of turn because like it may not be connected, like they can't see it being connected, I'm just going with anecdotal evidence. Which, jason, what do you tell me Anecdotal evidence is?

Speaker 1:

not evidence at all.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly Exactly. Jason says, that's not evidence at all.

Speaker 1:

It's a story.

Speaker 2:

It's a story, a long story, a short story, long, just like I like to tell them.

Speaker 1:

So that is the end of the Bunsen saga? Nope, it's not the end, because I posted about that on social media. We have been contacted by vet organizations from around the world that either, a want to interview us about this whole situation, B asking our permission to use Bunsen's story in the teaching of their veterinary practices, or, even more wildly, cc. That's like the canadian broadcasting company. They're sending reporters out to talk to us at some point in the future.

Speaker 2:

In the next week or two, bunsen has had a pretty amazing life chris for one dog, I know jen is asking in the chat do you think that, do you think the care you got was fast enough?

Speaker 1:

The care.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the care that we got was fast enough.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, like at the emergency hospital, absolutely, and I'm not going to lie, we were pretty frustrated with the slow results for his biopsy because if it was cancer like if let's say it was cancer we wanted to start treatment on him because we love him. But then the reason why it took them forever was it was no matter what they tested, it was not working right. That's why it took those results so fast, so long. And then his feces test was this special test. We had to send this poop away through another, through a vet clinic, and that had to go to a lab and and it was a rare test that's hardly ever done. So, yeah, it's a whole bunch of stuff there and it.

Speaker 2:

It was acting bizarre like the every time we went and talked to the surgeon, like the symptoms weren't adding up. It was like usually it would be this plus this and then you get the diagnosis. But because bunsen was presenting with so much different information, that's why they thought it could be his teeth, that's why they thought it could be the trigeminal nerve and they're like something's pushing against it, maybe and maybe a cyst. What All connected?

Speaker 1:

in my opinion, but I'm just a teacher. If he's the only case ever in dogs in Western Canada, then you're right. If it's that rare, then maybe his face thing could be related to it.

Speaker 2:

Jen wanted to speak on.

Speaker 1:

Twitter. Chris Jen, I think, wanted to speak on Twitter.

Speaker 2:

Oh, sorry, I was. Oh, yeah, there you go.

Speaker 1:

Go ahead, Jen. Thank you.

Speaker 4:

Yeah this is super rare right and kudos to the people that picked it up. And all the things you were saying about the trigeminal nerve etc, etc are like accurate right, but most often you don't have a parasite pressing on a nerve, so this is really new and a big deal and scary. I'm in saskatchewan you're in in Alberta that this happened to your pet, but they must have done a lot of investigation to finally figure out what it was. And when I asked the question about how fast the results came back the cancer people would be like why are we not finding something? Because they have pretty strict protocols for this sort of stuff and thank God they did the testing to find the parasite. So anyway, thanks for letting me speak and I'm just so glad they found it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what Dr Key said is that they tried every test and it just kept coming back negative. And then they had a team of people, I guess at the University of Calgary, like working on the cyst that they sent and we, like in our newsletter I did put a picture of what the cyst looks like and chris is apt to call it an alien baby. It does look like a disgusting alien baby thing. That was inside bunsen, so I'm just so glad it's out of them.

Speaker 4:

Go ahead, jen, your hands back up again yeah, and normally cysts aren't a big deal right because they just fill with fluid and blah, blah blah. But this obviously, thank god it filled up enough they were able to get whatever this parasite out of it. And thank god you had the people that actually did the testing right, because they could have blown it off, and I'm just so glad um the doctor in calgary.

Speaker 2:

Um, it's like epidemiology, but she she specializes in parasites yeah yes, jason yeah and she is excellent and she was right on board and talking with dr keys like they were in communication. I don't think we could have got better care, to be honest with you. No, because she being on board and we were sent to study, like dr keys, printed a study about this parasite. Yeah, and it's coming to calgary, a city near you and once it's in this and once it's in the system.

Speaker 2:

Once it's in the ecosystem, the they'll be it pooped out, and then the mice will pick it up, and then it just continues. So that's not great.

Speaker 1:

Lauren asks if we have to test our other pets and the answer is no, because Bunsen came back negative, which means we're all clear, if Bunsen came back positive then all of us would have to be tested the dogs Ginger, all of us. But he came back negative and from what we were told, told we can breathe a big sigh of relief, which is awesome. So that's the big. That's the big bunsen news. Do you want to talk about comic-con? Because that happened last weekend and then, once we get close to 6 30, we'll open up community sharing, because we've had lots of wild stuff happen in the last couple weeks yeah.

Speaker 2:

So we were invited up again to comic con. We went on saturday as characters from balder's gate, which is a video game that jason has loved for what 30 years came out just about 30, yeah, 2000, the 2002, I think yeah, you've loved that game for a very long time, and so we went. You went as minsk and I was kicking for goodness but kicking for goodness. And then the kids adam was a stereo on and annalise was shadowheart and we had a great day who are you?

Speaker 1:

you were, you were one of the most important characters.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was good. I said I was Jahira oh.

Speaker 1:

I missed that. I'm sorry, sorry.

Speaker 2:

I told everybody but I'll tell you again, because shorter stories made long my name, my character was Jahira and there's not very many characters or cosplayers who play as her and Minsk. So that was really good and we had a great day and we drove up and then we drove home and then on sunday we took the dogs because they were comic-con guests again yeah invited back and, uh, they went at.

Speaker 2:

The theme was fantasy and so we went as lord of the rings and gandalf was bug the gray, and then we had Beaker as Milkbone Baggins and they had a great time. They were so excited to go in. It's like they recognized the venue and they were on their best behavior and no issues. On the red carpet there was a cute little girl. She was dressed in Scooby-Doo, yeah, and that was super cute. She wanted to go be a puppy with them and get on all fours like with them, and they're like we're not too sure about you Scooby-Doo. And that was the only one where the dogs were like we're not too sure about that, but they were so well behaved. And then we got to go again meet. I don't think it was a celebrity.

Speaker 1:

It was Emily Swallow. We did meet Emily Swallow, who plays the armorer on the Mandalorian, yeah, and then there was I forget the other actress's name. It was her agent, I did some background digging.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, his name is Matthew and he has a Bernese Mountain Dog. Yeah, Named.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I forget.

Speaker 2:

Doug, doug.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Good job, yeah, named. Oh, I forget doug doug doug. Good job, yeah, named doug. Yeah, and she wants to get a golden and then. So then she saw bunsen and beaker, like a bernie's mountain dog, and a golden, and she's like, see, she says like me said that they're a good match, they're a good pair, good pairing, and then he's honey, we need to get a bigger house, like like a house with a yard, so they have to get their ducks in a row before they get another dog.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I'll just chime in I was, I'm always. It's such a crazy environment to expect like dogs Bunsen and Beaker aren't therapy dogs, right, they're not service dogs, they're just good dogs and to bring them into an insane environment where everybody's in costumes, it's loud, there's lights, they have to wear a costume themselves, which we've trained them to wear, and they sat there and they took picture after picture and we live streamed it. Actually, folks got to maybe see how they did, and I'm just so proud of them. I'm just so proud of them. Bunsen is just a rock star. He is so good. He just holds his pose and he's a good boy. And Beaker's a little excited, but she loves taking photos with people and meeting people and Bunsen will sat on people and he got hugs. So we came home exhausted, but it was like that.

Speaker 2:

Last weekend was pretty, it was pretty special, it was pretty awesome and it was made that much more special because bunsen could be part of it. Yeah, because like we could have lost him yeah, and that was.

Speaker 1:

I had to send a really tough email to the edmonton expo coordinator who was who, who had booked us and I'm like Bunsen's going, he's he may die right, like he could have died from his surgery. And I said you just can we put a hold on us coming? We don't even know if he's going to survive, we don't know what his recovery is going to be like. And they were so gracious and they checked in with me every five days or so and I said we won't know till the week, until he's cleared. And then he was cleared.

Speaker 1:

And he was. It was just like he was Bunsen. As he was Bunsen again, right Old Bunsen. It was like nothing had happened to him. He bounced back so good.

Speaker 2:

I asked the vet about that and the vet said the two weeks is like the kind of really focused healing. And then, cause, I said we've, he's been on house arrest, like we've been very careful. And then he said by the four week mark, like he was pretty much good and it was like just four weeks and so he was a good boy. He was ready to go. Yeah, we did, though Jason bought a costume and the shirt part was tight. Like he bought a large. He maybe should have got an extra large because it was tight. So we went with a t-shirt instead, um, which I know is cheating, but like we wanted him to be as comfortable as possible yeah, well, his go ahead sorry his shirt wasn't authentic.

Speaker 2:

It was a t-shirt, but he was wearing a cloak and he was wearing the hat he was wearing a gandalf hat, which was pretty cute oh, and we got so many compliments on beaker's hobbit ears she looks so cute, she was so happy.

Speaker 1:

she was like her costume was frodo and you found me a headband. Right, it was a headband headband and I used my awesome glue and I glued little elf ears on the side of it and there was some leprechaun wig that you had like a leprechaun beard. Yeah, a leprechaun beard.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I had, I'm like, hey, this might be good, because we wanted it to look good and have the hobbity curly hair.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but Beaker's golden and it looked. I made a black one and it looked stupid on her. I was like that's. And then the weird leprechaun beard was the same color as a fur, so I just glued it all together and it went in a little headband and it worked perfect. And she had a little hobbit vest, which was super cute, and the cloak that I'm nerding out, but I'm the Lord of the Rings, people will appreciate this. They get the cloak from Gladriel in Lothlorien and the little leaf pendant, so that was my favorite touch.

Speaker 2:

Tell everybody what the name of that leaf pendant is. What. Tell everybody what the name of the leaf pendant is. You know what it is.

Speaker 1:

I said it's a Lothlorien cloak.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and it's a lothlorian cloak. Okay and that's. It's a lothlorian thing. I don't know if it has a name. You told me it did and I was like, oh my god you know everything mr internet.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm sure I'm gonna get fact checked by a bigger nerd than me steven colbert.

Speaker 2:

Steven colbert will fact check you a lorian leaf it's called.

Speaker 1:

yeah, yeah, so it's a lothlor will fact check you A Lorian leaf, it's called.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it's a Lothlorian. It's a Lothlorian leaf cloak. That's what I said. Yeah, that doesn't have any special name. Oh, but it was gifted to every member of the fellowship. And nerdy tip, nerdy point when Gandalf comes back as Gandalf the White, he is wearing a cloak with a Lothlorian pin, because in the book he goes and says hey to Galadriel and she gifts him a cloak as well. So they glossed over that in the movie because it was many moving parts, Anyways. So anything else to add about Bernoulli? You were going to talk about Bernoulli. What's going on with Bernoulli?

Speaker 2:

oh, he's in daycare and he's in training. Yeah, he got his level one and now he's training in level two yeah and he's such a good boy and he's so eager to learn.

Speaker 1:

Today we went to wagon play and he played with all his little friends yeah and it was super cute now a lot of people chris on instagram and partly due to my own fault, of saying he, bernoulli, has maybe a mush brain. What does everybody say about bernoulli when he's doing training?

Speaker 2:

he doesn't have a mush brain no, he is so eager to learn and his focus is like nothing on earth, especially if you have food. He is like laser focused and usually dogs like have the shifty eyes Like they don't really want to look at you in the eye. Oh no, bernoulli will look right into your soul and say, please give me that food. I hunger. I hunger father, I hunger mother.

Speaker 2:

But he's a quick learner and he just is doing all the things and he really only has to be shown a couple of times, like we. They were doing fix it. So what you do is you push against their paw so they lift their paw so it doesn't get trapped in the leash, and they do a marker first where they gently tap against the feet and he would go jump. And he would jump like oh, what's that? And then after one or two tries, then he's like totally got to fix it and beaker doesn't, and she's has level three and she's super smart too. It just depends on the dog, but I don't know why you say mush brain, just because he's so cute I think it's just his stare.

Speaker 1:

It just looks like he's got not a lot going on up there. We were worried when he was long young. We're like, is he, is he dumb? Like we were actually worried he was. He was cute and dumb because he was so cute, but he wasn't like acting as smart as Bunsen was and we're like, oh God, I guess he's got cuteness going for him, but he's going to be a dumb big guy. But he's not dumb, he's really smart. We're finding he's just as smart.

Speaker 2:

He's just as smart and he's so eager to please and he's doing all the things Like Bunsen is lazy now, like he was laser sharp, like when we were doing the things, and then once you don't do it, then he's not as good. But Bernoulli is so good at doing all of the things Like sharp, like he's just on it, and Bunsen is so intelligent. We were so spoiled with Bunsen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we were very lucky. He was a smart guy and easy to please.

Speaker 2:

The standard is up here and then we're looking at everybody else. Yeah, and I think he just was genius level.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we were lucky with bunsen, yeah, yeah and oh. There's something I was gonna mention everybody thinks their dog is the best dog ever, so we shouldn't brag too much. There's like there's border collies that would make bunsen look like an, a sidekick, like a mush brain. That's right people.

Speaker 1:

I've seen some australian shepherds and border collies, which are like absolutely crazy, intelligent, very well trained, good dogs. I'm going to share my screen for the last thing, and that was we've had a couple huge videos on instagram really everywhere and newsweek has reached out multiple times to interview me about some of the stuff, and this is the newest one. I'm just sharing my screen with the live stream people. If you haven't read this article, it's pretty well done. Laughter as Bernice Mountain Dog Puppy Bernice Mountain Puppy tries and fails to coexist with a cat. And then they have a lot of ads on their site, but the article is pretty good. They did say we had two cats, chris, which we don't, and they mentioned that we have turtles and we got so many comments about the turtles.

Speaker 2:

How do they know we have turtles?

Speaker 1:

I said we have turtles, the Newsweek. The journalist was like what pets do you have? And I'm like Bunsen, beaker, bernoulli and Ginger, so we've got three dogs and a cat. I never said two cats, why would I? And I said but I did say and we have two turtles, and the turtles' names are Carl and or Sagan, because I can't tell them apart. And she's like, oh cool, you've got two turtles. I'm like, yeah, two turtles, and maybe that got confused with two cats. I don't know, but people are hungry for turtle content. You not believe? You would not believe the comments, especially on when people read that article you have turtles, where are the turtles?

Speaker 2:

where are the turtles? You should put the michael scott gif. Where are the turtles?

Speaker 1:

but they're in massive tanks in our living room, like anytime we're filming. You guys should be able to see these massive turtle tanks that are every they're gurgling in the background on every shot. Anyways, we'll take some shots of Carl and Sagan for everybody. That's turtle talk.

Speaker 2:

Turtle talk yes, there, it is there, it is there, it is.

Speaker 1:

OK, have we? Oh hi, are you done all your treats? Chris, do you want to talk about community sharing, because we could move to that right now.

Speaker 2:

Yes, hello everyone, I'm going to reset the room here. We are at Pet Chat and we are now at the top of the time where we talk about community sharing and if you're on live, you can see Jason with Bernoulli Littleoulli oh, bernoulli got a kiss. Anyway, let me reset the room. We are here at pet chat and this is a community space where we first share stories about Bunsen and Beaker and Ginger and Bernoulli throughout the week, and now we open the floor to community sharing. Of course, we are a community that is like a PG or a G centered space, so please keep your topics on topic and then also, if we don't know you, we do check your account to make sure that you are tweeting or talking about things that I guess agree with what we do, and then we'll send messages if we're not sure.

Speaker 1:

Perfect. I did try to answer all of the questions on Instagram as they came up. People were asking really good questions when we were talking about Bunsen cyst, and then there was one somebody was mentioning the cane toads, which, yeah, they are toxic if your dog eats them or licks them. For sure, I don't know much about that. It's too bad Jamie's not here. She's from Australia, where they're a big problem. But we can go to some of the speakers on Twitter or X and if you would like to type up a comment or question, go ahead. If you're watching live, I think we'll go to Paula Hi everybody, how's everybody doing?

Speaker 1:

Good Hello.

Speaker 5:

Good everybody. How's everybody doing Good? Hello, good Paula. How are you Good? Thanks. First, it's just such a relief to hear about Bunsen. It was like I was crying again. You know me, but my vet was. I showed him the photo and he was like that was an amazing story. And when I told him what it was he said that's definitely one for the book. So leave it to Bunsen to leave something unusual to the science people and the vets across the world. That's pretty cool in itself, but we're so happy and also you forgot to say Bernoulli's on day three of not mauling ginger. Yeah, that in itself I was like whoa another celebration.

Speaker 5:

It was like so cute.

Speaker 1:

You can't see, paula, but Chris just flashed a zero at the screen oh no, oh no, that's terrible.

Speaker 2:

This morning they were doing shenanigans and I don't know if it counts. I don't know if it counts because Ginger got away. She's getting smarter.

Speaker 5:

On that note, everybody knows I have Trixie Trixie's my Brussels Griffon and I have Annie, who's a Pooley. I have Brussels Griffon and I have Annie, who's a Puli she's a Hungarian sheepdog with dreadlock. But no news there too much. We're trying to teach Trixie how to go after a Frisbee, because I went to this big fair in New England. That's the last days. Tomorrow it's called the Big E and it's in West Springfield, massachusetts, and I went up there a couple of times.

Speaker 1:

It looks so fun, I just have to tell you it.

Speaker 5:

It looks so fun. I just have to tell you it looks so fun. Oh, it was. It's just wonderful. It's all six states like Massachusetts, rhode Island, new Hampshire, vermont and Maine and et cetera, et cetera, but anyway. So I went to this Frisbee show and it was really nice. I even bought a chewed up Frisbee for two dollars, because he uses always rescues for the dogs and trains them and stuff, and he had a three legged dog that went after the frisbee. So it was pretty cool and I had a photo op with her, so she was pretty neat.

Speaker 5:

But my big story is this I went to this is supposed to be like the third largest fair in the United States and we went to this little special part of the fair where they have a lot of artisans. So I went into one. They're sectioned off booths, that you see. And I just decided to get this item and I was standing in line with my husband and I mentioned that Bernoulli was back at day zero because this was last. This was maybe a week and a half ago, because the fair is like almost three weeks. So I couldn't. We didn't have pet chat last week so I couldn't tell you, but so I said, gee, bernoulli's back at zero.

Speaker 5:

And I was the second person in line and the girl behind the register goes Bernoulli, she goes Bernoulli and Ginger. And I'm like what? I go absolutely like. Bernoulli goes do you know them? And I'm like, yeah, she goes, oh my god. And then her daughter goes, oh my god, bunsen Beaker. No, bernoulli and Ginger, oh my god. They're on TikTok and we follow them all the time. Well, jason, it was like the whole room was buzzing about Ginger and it was the first time ever I'm in Connecticut and here I was in Western Mass, but I was in West Springfield, massachusetts, which is just a half an hour from me. But to hear somebody that connected and knew who Bernoulli and Ginger were, they knew all about the maulings and the days that he was going back to zero. Her daughter was going crazy. She couldn't wait to tell all her friends and it was just. Even the people behind us were like clapping. It was funny.

Speaker 5:

I didn't know who it was and I don't know. I couldn't wait to share it with you because it was the first time that I saw your recognition and I was just over the moon. I really mean it. It was. My husband goes wow, do you believe this? And he goes there's like a million people here and they know Bunsen and Beaker and I said and then I was telling them about how Bunsen wasn't feeling well and they're like, oh, is that why he had the cone Cause they were more into Bernoulli, it was so cute. But they you're, it was from TikToks and I'm not on TikToks, but they were just like I think they almost wanted my autograph because I knew you and it was so cute. But I just had to share that because it was a real fun time for me. But it was nice to see your expansion and how you've grown and since I've known you and to see that happen and it was just amazing.

Speaker 1:

I just thought I want to tell you thank you so much for sharing that, paula oh, you're welcome, chris and I both chris and I both have misty eyes from this oh, that's awesome.

Speaker 5:

Like I said, it was, whenever she heard me say the name bernoulli, it clicked and she's like the one that mauls the cat Ginger. I was like, oh my God, oh my goodness, it was crazy. Listen, thank you so much. You guys are great and you had beautiful costumes for the dogs at Comic-Con. It was great to see it live, and thanks for really sharing that too, because it was like I was almost there. Next year I'm going.

Speaker 1:

They want us back. They already said we would love to have you back and Bernoulli oh good I think he'll be ready. I think we can get him ready for Comic-Con next year.

Speaker 5:

Yes, I think he will. He'll calm down and he'll be a good boy and he'll follow suit, for sure. It'll be really fun. All right, guys, have a great night, have a great week, everybody, and keep safe. And to and to all our friends that were affected by Hurricane Helene, you're in our prayers and, yeah, that was a pretty massive storm, hurricanes we're thinking of you and all the pets too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thanks for mentioning that, Paula. What a cool story. Hey, Chris, that was great of Paula to share that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thanks, Paula.

Speaker 1:

We got.

Speaker 2:

Because our students are like, yeah, they don't care.

Speaker 1:

They just think we're dorky teachers. I talk care. They just think we're dorky teachers. I'm well, I I talk, I show them bunsen and beaker content and they're like that's fine, they let's this. We don't care about your dogs, so they love it when they come in. That's different. They really like it when the dogs come in. Yeah, okay, so let's go to another. There's no comments. There's some fun comments on instagram. People are saying I love ginger and we should bring ginger to comic-con. I don't know about that. Somebody said I love watching bernoulli and ginger noah dog home rescue. Maybe people could check out that account on instagram. They're wondering if people could take a look at their account, but we can probably go to one of the folks waiting to share, and I believe that's car and then MTC. So we'll go to Carla. Go ahead, carla. Hi, everybody Hi.

Speaker 7:

Carla. Hi, I haven't been here probably a couple of months. I'm sorry about that, but being a caregiver my schedule just gets all crazy. But I love your show and I love the stories. But I love your show and I love the stories and I just wanted to share a little quick story with you. I I took my old 14 year old Joe to the groomer yesterday and he had a bath and day. And he had a bath and he's got on his little pretty fall bandana and I put it out there on x or twitter and that little stinker got over 1100 likes oh yay, chris is gonna find it and put it in the nest oh, I'm sure, and I just wanted to thank everybody for all the love for old Joe.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, he's a rescue, and so, of course, so is Trigger, and it's spoiled, rotten, but aww there. And I just wanted to thank everybody for all the love for my old Joe.

Speaker 1:

Carla, I'm going to share my screen, so folks who are watching it live, we've got about 15, like almost 2000 people watching live, so they'll get to see Joe too.

Speaker 7:

Oh, thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

So we'll just share that so people can take a look at joe he's got such a happy face.

Speaker 7:

Look at his happy face I know he's a sugar face sweet guy yeah, thank you so much. You guys love you no problem, carla. Thank you for sharing you guys love you, no problem, carla thank you for sharing.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome. Thank you for sharing. We just I retweeted the picture so you'll get some more likes too. Oh god, brunelli just knocked the thing over again. Okay, we'll go to chris, can you? You're gonna have to run the show.

Speaker 2:

The brunelli's knocked over my background again I see that I believe we're going to go to mtc hello hello, how are you? Good, how are you doing?

Speaker 9:

doing good. I'm glad to hear everything went well with bunsen us too, I have. You were talking about bernoulli's training. I have a story. I got two great peers baker's, the puppy, he going to be two in December, and I have another one, lacey. She's four and a half. When we sent Baker off, we sent him off for two weeks. He comes back and he's been in intensive training and the same woman who trained Lacey trained Baker and one of the things she said about Baker is and this is the way she said it she goes he is so lazy, oh no. We laughed. She was like, yeah, he is, he's just so lazy, oh no. When we picked him up for training, she told us that he was. Even though he's lazy, he was one of the best dogs she has ever trained.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's awesome yeah.

Speaker 1:

What's the dog's name? Sorry, I missed that I was dealing with Bernoulli's shenanigans. His name's Baker Baker. Okay, thank you.

Speaker 2:

And the other dog is Lacey, and I put them up in the nest for you so everybody can see them. I see you're also a Lego fan, oh yes, you're making a. Millennium Falcon.

Speaker 9:

It's done.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's done. I see that was 2021.

Speaker 9:

Done, I do like my Lego Star Wars. I have quite a collection.

Speaker 1:

Nice, I love Lego.

Speaker 9:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 9:

Yep, that's my story. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Thanks for sharing, okay, but they're great for news, jason, but they're great. They're nice, jason, they're so cute.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they are what do you have Uh-oh? Okay, somehow he got a pen. I don't know how he got a pen.

Speaker 2:

It's hard having the dogs with you, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

I'm monitoring Instagram because Instagram's like on another panel, so I've got to scroll through that for questions and things like that. It looks like we don't have any, just people have fun comments. So I appreciate the folks on instagram with your hilarious commentary. As we're going, um, amy has a good message. She was, uh, very thankful that paula brought up the hurricanes. Amy's listening from North Carolina.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for the well wishes and prayers. It's heartbreaking. I'll be honest. I'm so sorry. I haven't looked into it myself, but I'll take a peek, like on the news. We're up in Canada, so it's. I'm sure it's on the news. I know it's happening, but we'll all definitely take a peek. And so sorry to hear that. Amy, hopefully you're safe, okay there. Chris, do you want to talk about carl and sagan real quick? We had some comments about where they came from and what their deal is, so we do have a our. We have a whole bunch of new instagram followers that joined because of the bernoulli and ginger saga, so they definitely missed the whole bunsen, beaker, carl, sagan stuff. So do you want to talk about Carl and Sagan real quick?

Speaker 2:

They were two turtles in one tank and they were at my school, at my former school, and the teacher who had them retired and he gifted them to the next science teacher which was not me, it was the grade team member of his and she and another person were taking care of the turtles and then all of a sudden I saw it was right around COVID.

Speaker 2:

Right around that time I saw that they had posted in, like our division news or division classified ads hey, if you're interested in two turtles, we're giving them to a good home. And because I had taught with this colleague, I texted her and I said, hey, I'm interested in the turtles. And then I replied to the email as well and they're like, okay, perfect. And so they were. Their names were Timmymy and Mr T and the turtles. And then I brought them home and I didn't know anything about turtles and they were in the one tank. And then I went and bought a bigger tank, a 120 gallon tank, and I'm like, oh, they're going to both move into this big tank and it's going to be great. And then I realized right away that their filtration wasn't that good. It wasn't enough for the, for one turtle and that size tank that they were in, let alone two turtles in that tank with water lower. And then I learned what they eat and I learned about like the lighting that they should have and all these things changed, all their husbandry changed and their diet changed and they, they have fingernails as like scoots. Those are scoots and they're, they cover their shell and they come off, and it was like Shedmageddon of these scoots. So they were in there anyway. So I'm like this is weird.

Speaker 2:

And then they started feeling better because they were fighting and biting each other. And then I'm like this is weird. And then they started feeling better because they were fighting and biting each other. And then I'm like what's going on there? So I joined a Facebook group about turtles and they're like, yeah, typically they're solitary and when they're in a big lake, like there's places to go where they can get away from their little frenemies, but in a tank there's nowhere to go. And then I'm like Jason, there's one hole in the leg and I'm screaming and Jason's taking it apart. And so then it turned out that we had to have two tanks, like the one's in the one tank now, the old tank, and then the other one is in the Beverly Hills tank. So, yeah, anyway, I tried to put them both in there, but then they were like at each other. So, yeah, that happened. So there are two turtles. They're about 40 years old. 30 years old 40

Speaker 2:

40, 40 years old. 40 years old, yeah it's.

Speaker 1:

I just I am stunned that turtles live that long like I had. No, I do not care about reptiles. Chris has done all of this her work herself. So kudos to chris. And then you're like, yeah, they're like 37 or whatever we got them, they're like 35 years old. I'm like, excuse me, did you say they're 35 years old? And she's like, yeah, they'll live to be like 80 or whatever. And I'm like, are you serious that we might die before the turtles? Who's gonna take care of them? This is insane. They're like parrots. Yeah, anyways.

Speaker 2:

Anyway. So those are the turtles.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And they're just hanging out with us.

Speaker 1:

Carl and Sagan. Carl and or Sagan.

Speaker 2:

Formerly known as Mr T and Timmy. Because, then I'm like which one's which? And I called the former retired teacher and I'm like did they used to fight each other? And he's like, oh yeah, they would get like in springtime, when it was like time to get busy, they would fight. And I've never seen it. But there's something special about when they get amorous. Don't look it up on YouTube, it's horrific.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, you're going to get people looking that up on youtube but I've never seen it.

Speaker 2:

I've never seen it, but it's something like what is that? Oh, just wait, because there were two males. There are two male turtles, yeah, yeah, anyway, so they're separated, they're both happy, they're both doing well and I think they're super cute they are.

Speaker 1:

They're neat to watch swim.

Speaker 6:

TK came up. I just wanted to come up and quickly say hello. Hi, I haven't been able to actually talk to you. I'm usually on your Facebook yeah, facebook Live, and I really enjoy your spaces and Facebook Lives. Thanks for putting your lovely dogs, bonson and Beaker and Benuli. I love all of them and I love all of your stories, x and Facebook and all these places.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I have two beagles myself. I have a girl and a boy. The girl is eight years old and the boy is six and there are two beagles. I've had beagles all my adult life and I really enjoy this breed. I love all dogs, but I'm a dog lover, just these other, the other people in this room.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I live in the city and we like to go take walks along the beach. We live about 15 blocks from the beach. There's also a trail that goes all along the coast and it's a local doggy spot for dogs and dog owners. We gather there and we can let them off leash, we can let them walk around. There are non-dog owners that come hiking and things like that on these trails, but they respect our kind of it's like an unspoken rule. It's interesting because there are so many dog owners and dogs that kind of walk around freely. They respect our space and we appreciate that. But yeah, so there's a lot of dogs and dog owners in the city, in the Bay Area as well. And yeah, we like to go take walks at the beach and we live not too far away from the Golden Gate Park. There's a good patch of woods in the park as well, so we like to go take walks in those woods and so we like going to take walks in nature, so we like to do that and they are really good vegetable eating dogs.

Speaker 6:

We like to go to local farmer's markets around the neighborhood and we pick up vegetables like cucumbers and tomatoes and cabbage and lettuce. They eat everything. My girl is a little older than my boy and the boy dog wasn't really big on vegetables at first, but the girl, my girl, she eats everything and they learn from each other when you have multiple dogs, as you guys probably know. So the boy picked up on that habit from the girl, so now they both eat vegetables. They are vegetable lovers. We share all the food together. Of course, I cook my food differently than their food, of course, but yeah, they love boiled chicken and they love all kinds of vegetables cut up into little pieces.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, we do that, and Halloween is coming up, we like to dress up, we like to, I like to dress them up for halloween and we like to go for, to like photo shoots. If a petco or local pet store has a photo shoot event, halloween photo shoot event, we go there and we take pictures. If not, then uh, there are other, um couple other local pet photographers that we go to. Yeah, we go there and take photos, halloween photos, and we do that every year, every Halloween and every Christmas. We like to do that as well and I'm getting excited about it. So Halloween is coming up and, yeah, so we enjoy holiday seasons as well. Yeah, anyway, just wanted to come in and say hello and I appreciate your spaces every week and, yeah, thank you for, thank you for everything you do. Yeah, thank you guys.

Speaker 1:

Oh, thanks, tk, and yeah.

Speaker 6:

I see lots of people I know I'm familiar. There are lots, there's lots of familiar faces on the space and Indra and everybody, thank you, and thank you for letting me come up, thank you.

Speaker 1:

No problem TK.

Speaker 2:

Thanks TK, we like Halloween too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, madison from Facebook says nice to hear of TK and his dogs. Yeah, big shout out to TK. Our Facebook account used to be extremely tiny and when I figured out how to multicast sometimes it was just, I think, madison and TK on Facebook watching. So thanks for sticking with us. Our meta, the meta accounts, were very small and now they've exploded, so you got some friends over there watching on Facebook every day. Jen's hands up, so we'll go to Jen.

Speaker 4:

Yes, tk, I've heard about eagles. How smart they are. Is this a thing that they're that smart? And yeah, tell us about how smart they are, cause I understand they're the smartest dogs.

Speaker 6:

They are towns. So, yeah, they're pretty intelligent. They are primarily made. A lot of times they're used as they function as drug sniffing dogs at airports and things like that. They really like to. They are really good sniffing things and they have a really key sense of smart. They are sent hounds. Yeah, they're intelligent as well. Absolutely. Yeah, I'm a hound owner. That's just my thing. I love their sloppy ears and droopy muzzles and things like that, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Thanks, tk. Great question, jen. We're going to wrap up real quick. There's one more question, chris, just from Twitter Live. Pam pamela asks is beaker purebred? Just curious because she says you say she's smaller for a golden. My chloe's half golden, half border collie and she looks like a teenager sized. So beaker is beaker's purebred, but she's just little. She's just little here's purebred, but she's just little. She's just little.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so this is a terrifying thought. Or it was a terrifying thought because we've always said Bunsen is a bit small for a burner as well. And then my stepdad said maybe that's because the alien inside of him was sucking his nutrients.

Speaker 1:

When he was growing.

Speaker 2:

When he was growing. Maybe this alien baby was sucking up all his nutrients so he didn't grow. And then he looked at beaker and he said and you say that she's a pint-sized golden or a pocket-sized retriever, and maybe there's something growing in her too no but the results came back. So it's a huge sigh of relief that we can just say you know what she is, our pocket-sized retriever yeah, she was the runt, the smallest of the litter, that's what we were told.

Speaker 1:

And she's little, she's just a little. She's the goodest girl. We didn't really talk about her today, but maybe we'll have some beaker stories for next week. Okay, let's wrap with some exciting stuff. So I finished today the audio book for text from Bunsen, volume three. It's done, and Chris and I have to do the clap.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm not ready.

Speaker 1:

Bernoulli just sat on my foot.

Speaker 2:

There it is, there it is.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Chris and I only have to do a couple fixes for the text from Bunsen book and ebook and I'm confident that I will have it ready for presale for the paw pack on Monday. I thought I would need another week but I don't think I will. I think I'll have it ready for Monday and then we will launch the text from Bunsen presale for the public next Saturday, maybe before We'll see, but it's going to be coming right away. The text from Bunsen three book and we've been working so hard on it the audio book. Guess how long the audio book is, chris?

Speaker 1:

Five hours no not five hours, it's three and a half hours. So that was an enormous amount of work and it's all of our voices. And the ebook is 400 pages. It's chock full of bonus pictures of the dogs and because it will be a pre-sale, you'll have to wait for the print book, but you'll get the ebook and the audiobook right away. So you'll get those things right away when we do the pre-sale. And I have a couple sneak peeks. Here we go.

Speaker 3:

Here's Adam Ready, let's make a stick fort Bunsen. I'm studying for my chemistry midterm.

Speaker 8:

Hey, that's my specialty.

Speaker 3:

They don't call me Bunsen burner for nothing, Bunsen, that's your name, because we thought it was a cute pun. La la la, undeterred. Okay fine. This case study explains what-. What are you stuck on? Okay fine. This case study explains that with these chemicals, an unwanted precipitate occurred.

Speaker 8:

Oh, that's easy. The reaction was a mistake. What, from time to time, oxidants happen, bunsen?

Speaker 1:

Oxidants, accidents and.

Speaker 2:

I think that had a little bit of a glitch in it, Jay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I might have to fix that. And here's one with Chris.

Speaker 2:

Bunsen, are you opening a gym?

Speaker 8:

Beaks and I are.

Speaker 2:

What why?

Speaker 8:

The vet said I was ripped.

Speaker 2:

The vet said that Yep. She said, I was super trim and solid muscle, and a gym is the next logical step.

Speaker 8:

We need to teach others in the ways of being jacked.

Speaker 2:

Hold on. Why is your gym called 25 hour fitness?

Speaker 8:

It has one extra hour. For what For working out?

Speaker 2:

You tried to sound like Arnold Schwarzenegger there.

Speaker 1:

I deepened his voice with editing software, which is actually my voice, because I was. That was me. I do Bunsen All right. Now, these are the weirdest ones where I'm talking to Bunsen but really I'm talking to myself.

Speaker 2:

No, Jason, you're giving up too much information, Chris.

Speaker 1:

the book is like three and a half hours long. One more.

Speaker 8:

Why did you put the giant bath up? It's a swimming pool, Bunsen. It's deep and it's dangerous and it blocks out the sun.

Speaker 1:

Bunsen, it's outside the house and you don't have to go in it.

Speaker 8:

Will you all go have fun without me? Come swim with us. What are the walls made out of? Why? Oh, I just have sharp teeth and it would be a shame if someone bit a hole in the side.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

What's funny is Adam and I say bunsen the same way you and adam sound the same and I'll share my screen.

Speaker 1:

I've already posted what the type, what the cover is going to look like, but I'll just share that for the live folk and oh, I don't think that I think that shared the wrong screen it's the text from bunsen canva yeah.

Speaker 1:

So that's what the title, that's what the cover of the book will look like. Text from bunsen, volume three a damn adventure, and I don't know. I'm so proud of it, chris. We work so hard on this and I can't wait for. I can't wait for folks to to see it to answer a question in the dying seconds. And we only have one cat, only one, just ginger, just ginger, yeah it's a miracle we have her it's true because you're allergic.

Speaker 2:

And she eats the food and she doesn't shed her dander because it's 47 47 effective, which is enough for you that's right.

Speaker 1:

Bernoulli is eating the books off the bookshelf jason yes don't let him do that no, I'm not. He's looking at me like a goober. His one ear has been flipped over for about a half an hour and it's so cute, it's so cute all right, are you cute, all right.

Speaker 2:

Are you lying? Is he eating the books on the bookshelf?

Speaker 1:

No, I told him not to. And he's staring at me with a smile, hoping that if he smiles at me enough, he can eat a book. Maybe that's how he gets so smart he's learning by ingestion.

Speaker 2:

That's right, that's right.

Speaker 1:

It's like.

Speaker 2:

But reading by osmosis, like when you're sleeping. I don't think that's real. That's how I studied in college he's just kidding.

Speaker 1:

He's been good. He's just been prowling around looking for things to bite. But I cleaned up the whole area down here and there's nothing he got a pen yeah, I don't know how that got on the floor. I think ginger knocked it on the floor that ginger has been very much.

Speaker 2:

She okay, she knocked my Matushka dolls down.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and she's been jumping up and knocking your sticky hummingbird thing. I saw her jump up and knock it down. I stuck it back up. That's why it was been on the floor.

Speaker 2:

I was wondering how that got down. Yeah, I got that on my trip to the East Coast.

Speaker 1:

Also that on my trip to the east coast also, she went into the pantry and with her mouth she hauled out a bag of fish treats and her and bernoulli ate through it and ate half the bag okay, so the two of them are like in super cahoots okay, great I don't know. I think it's all a ruse. They're like yeah, make them think that we hate each other so we can steal the fish treats at night, or anyways because, okay, folks, she can.

Speaker 2:

This is what happens. Okay, our doors are like this like the handles they go and then you can open the door. Ginger is smart enough to go and then use her weight to open the door and so she can get out of the bathroom. And I put her in the bathroom when I take the dogs out in the morning, because it's domination. And again it's right by the door. She shoots out and I'm like what are you doing here? And she got out and I'm like, how did that happen, jason? Did you let her out? And he's a no. And then I saw her at the pantry going and then she was like why is the pantry door open again?

Speaker 2:

she can open it because ginger is open it and oh my goodness, our life has changed I thought I was like.

Speaker 1:

I thought I was losing my mind. I thought I was getting like early onset on alzheimer's or something. I was like I swear I closed that door. How's the cat in there again? I'm like, oh my god, I better not tell chris I'm losing my mind and have dementia because I was having a same thoughts.

Speaker 2:

Then she'll worry why is the door open again?

Speaker 1:

Ginger can open doors, great Okay, all right. All right, I'm going to shut down the. We were off live. We're just talking on spaces this is the shenanigans.

Speaker 2:

This is the the after show.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it ended. Okay, we'll see everybody next week and we'll