The Science Pawdcast

Pet Chat May 25th: Breaking News A NEW PUPPY

Jason Zackowski

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A sleepy puppy choose Kris and our world is turned upside down.

This podcast is a whirlwind of emotion, starting with the joyous excitement of bringing Bernoulli home in a week, right through to the heart-stopping concern for Bunsen's health. Don't worry, he's ok!

We're bringing you the raw, unfiltered reality of pet parenting – the highs, the lows, and everything in between.

 From the touching to the hilarious, our conversations weave through a tapestry of personal stories, community engagement, and reflections on holiday traditions, reminding us why our pets are cherished members of the family.

As we wrap up this episode, we let you in on the quirks that make our pets, and by extension, our lives, so unpredictable. We swap stories about mysterious alarms, the challenges of second dinners for our four-legged companions, and bid a tender farewell to a family dog, Buckus.

Join us for a session filled with laughter, a bit of learning, and a lot of love for our pets, where every story shared is an adventure, and every moment with our animal friends is a treasure waiting to be cherished.

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For Science, Empathy, and Cuteness!
Being Kind is a Superpower.

Speaker 3:

Hello pet enthusiasts, welcome to Pet Chat. My name is Jason Zukowski. I'm getting all choked up. I'm the dog dad of Bunsen and Beaker, the science dogs, and soon to be the dog dad of Bernoulli.

Speaker 4:

My co-host is I am also choked up. I am the dog mom to Bunsen and Beaker and soon to be the dog mom to Bernoulli, our little Bernese Mountain dog puppy that we picked out.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

I'm the cat mom to Ginger.

Speaker 3:

Yes, we can't forget about Ginger. No, oh, man, that got me that I have been doing so good, but saying it to everybody just made it real. Man, that got me. I just about couldn't get through that video and pictures today.

Speaker 4:

So we did a little bit more real, because, yeah, we have just had them in our dreams for a little while there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Oof. Okay, Chris, are you okay to? Are you okay to do the for our story first?

Speaker 4:

I'm always okay to do our story first. Do you want me to talk about it first?

Speaker 3:

You're the one that organized and precipitated the momentous news and the that just absolutely wild blast weekend like last eight days of her life. So go ahead.

Speaker 4:

Okay, my teacher friend I don't know if she works because she's always on social media, because she seems to know all of these posts and she's Chris, did you see? And I'm like no, because I'm only on our social media and not on my own personal social media anyway. So she's look at these puppies and they were Bernie's mountain dog puppies. And I was like, oh man, and it's actually a colleague of ours, a former colleague. Her brother has these, these puppies. So right away I was like man, they're cute, they're super cute. And then I went a little further and texted my former colleague and I said, hey, I saw some pictures on Facebook of these puppies. Can you let me know a little bit more? And then she gave me a call and she's depressed. They're so cute, my husband won't let me get one. And I said they already have a puppy, they have a Bernadoodle. And I said why not one more? Like it's okay, it's okay, why not? And she's like, no, you should talk to my husband. But so I said where's your brother lizzie?

Speaker 1:

I'm red deer and she's an old brown prairie.

Speaker 4:

Oh boy, I was like, okay, she said I'm sure he'll meet you halfway. And then what happened? Oh so then she said here's his contact information and I said, awesome, thank you. And then you were getting your new tire, your car, back from the tire shop because you had a flat tire.

Speaker 3:

Because my tire exploded and then I had to change the tire on the side of the highway.

Speaker 4:

Anyway, so I picked you up like I was your chauffeur.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's right. I felt like I was in high school again. I was waiting for somebody to come pick me up from the tire store.

Speaker 4:

I was like, please help.

Speaker 3:

I have no vehicle. I think I had my thumb out too, which was funny.

Speaker 4:

That's funny. Hey, baby want a ride. Is that awkward for pet chat Maybe? Oh, snap, womp, womp Anyway. So then what happened is they have a little cute place called sweet Capone's right there, and they have what are? They called Cannolis.

Speaker 3:

Cannolis yeah.

Speaker 4:

Cannolis yeah, and you had carrot cake. I said let's go there. And then I texted the owner of the Bernie's Mountain Dogs just to find out more information. And then I gave him a call when I got home just to talk to him on the phone and he gave lots of information and then I formulated a plan to go to Grand Prairie. I said let me see when my husband is busy what day he would like to come. I'm like it is May long coming up. I don't know if you're camping or if you're going to be around and he's yeah, we're going to be around.

Speaker 4:

He went to the Oilers game where they I think one like the Friday night game. And then, yeah, we drove up on Sunday cause I had a parade. I had a parade on Saturday with Adam and we drove up on Sunday and we saw the puppies and we picked one.

Speaker 3:

And that's the abridged version because there's a whole lot of driving. To get to grand Prairie it was a six and a bit hour drive one way there, yeah, so like a 12 hour drive, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

We left super early and we got home quite late, so it was a very big day. It's hard to imagine that Alberta is that big, because we're in central Alberta and we drove for six hours North a little bit more than six hours north, straight north, and we were still in alberta like we could. I think the northwest territories is another two and a half hours and further. We were almost in the northwest territories and then there's tundra. We just kept driving north. Yeah, um, but shout out to grand prairie. Grand prairie is there's nothing. And then this fairly large town, grand prairie, has like 60 000 people that live in it. It in way up there. Shout out to people who live in grand prairie. There's also a dinosaur museum, but we didn't have time to go to it no no we were going to see a puppy that's right.

Speaker 3:

So I hung back a little bit because this was more of a you decision. Um, it was us. But I feel like with bunsen, like he picked me or at least in my head he did and I didn't want to have that take that away from you. So I was more hanging back to see which ones liked you and there was one.

Speaker 4:

I really wanted two of them.

Speaker 3:

I know you really wanted two but we didn't get two, and there were some that were attacking your feet, which was so cute, but there was this sleepy one that woke up. He was a sleepy head and then he woke up and he was just a sweetheart Like you. Picked him up right, and he was just looking into your eyes, maybe because he was sleepy, but he wasn't trying to eat your face like the other ones.

Speaker 4:

The other ones were eating my face and that's super cute, but I don't.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and he had, he had, yeah. So, like you can see in the pictures, he's got piercing eyes, very like intense, like looks into your eyes, doesn't break a gaze, which is cool. And then the other thing is like he's a very cute puppy, but all puppies are cute puppies and we got a whole bunch more photos today of him which I put on I put a bunch on the paw pack and there's a video too.

Speaker 3:

And the video is just, oh my god. It just reminds me of when bunsen was a puppy, because we didn't take a lot of videos of him when he was little. Like we've got the lemon video, the coffee video and then three other videos and then all of a sudden he's a teenager. Like we just didn't take videos of him because we didn't have a social media account. So you can bet you guys are going to be spammed with a million and a half Bernoulli videos and pictures. But let's talk about, let about, are you guys? Is anybody bored of the puppy talk? We're just going to go for a little bit longer. Hopefully nobody's bored of the puppy talk.

Speaker 4:

But we were picking out names.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because we had six and a half hours home so we had some time to debate the different names and so the names we had to be a, B because of Bunsen and Beaker.

Speaker 4:

Jason, you created those rules.

Speaker 3:

I created the rules.

Speaker 4:

It didn't have to be a B. It did not, but it did so it did because you created those rules, I created those, and that's okay, that's okay.

Speaker 3:

There were parameters, there were parameters.

Speaker 4:

Jason said I want a male, yeah, and I want it to be a b name yeah yeah yeah, so I.

Speaker 3:

That was part of the team decision. I did have some parameters and it had to be a sciencey name. So on the way home, chris was searching up, like a, an index of all of the different b science names and just pitching them over and over again bond, yeah, no, you like beryllium for berry yeah, I was thinking beryllium and berry for short, like beryllium.

Speaker 3:

Beryllium is element three on the periodic table, it's hydra, no, element four. So hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium. So it's element four. Be for short, which is cute. What are some of the other ones? You pitched bond, yep, brimstone. We like the brimstone. That's cool brimstone. Yeah, I really like buffer.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, buffer was in in the top five, but buffer sounds like I think it's too close to bunsen and beaker bunsen, beaker buffer, but it's cute yeah, it is cute there was barium and bismuth, so other element and boron sounds like moron yeah, we didn't like boron, because boron sounds like moron I went through three or four lists and a lot of them had the repeats, like that. We just said yeah. And then I got on this other list and it I said bernoulli, and you were like, yeah, bernoulli, I think I think I gasped because it was perfect it was perfect.

Speaker 4:

And the reason why it's perfect is because, like burner bernoulli burning, but then also daniel bernoulli is was a swiss mathematician, physicist, who is like from switzerland, yeah, like the alps, like bernie's mountain dog, so it just couldn't be more perfect and the principle, bernoulli's principle.

Speaker 3:

It's a very complicated mathematical formula that actually another scientist created. It wasn't Bernoulli that created the formula, it was named after him. But the faster a fluid goes, the less pressure it has. In a nutshell, that's what Bernoulli's principle is the faster a fluid goes, the lower its pressure becomes.

Speaker 6:

But that's why planes fly because the high pressure, low pressure, yeah, difference in and bernoulli's principle is synonymous with lift it creates lift, which is what our account is.

Speaker 4:

Our account is uplifting yeah, yeah, it could be more perfect. Yeah, could not be more perfect yeah, it's perfect did I steal your thunder jay?

Speaker 3:

no, that's that. That was all the reasons in my head. I was like like thinking all these different things and then, yeah, it's perfect, and then it's. We could just call him bernie bernie for short, it was cute.

Speaker 4:

Bernie the burner.

Speaker 3:

Because we've got buns, we've got beaks and Bernie.

Speaker 4:

Feel the burn.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

There's just so much there, so much there yeah.

Speaker 3:

Awesome, yeah. So TK is saying it's a fluid dynamics Bernoulli's equation. Yeah, that's right, tk, well done, yeah, okay. Yeah, that's right, tk, well done, yeah, okay. So that's the news about Bernoulli.

Speaker 3:

We're picking him up this Saturday at 11 in the morning, I think no, about 10 30 10, 30, impreemptively canceling next week's pet chat because we're gonna have a brand new puppy on Saturday. So so I'm sorry everybody, just letting you know there will not be pet chat next Saturday because we're going to have a baby in the house. I don't know if we can do pet chat.

Speaker 4:

No, I'm going to be like watching, making sure everybody's getting along.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we need to be focused.

Speaker 4:

We need to be focused on, like the introduction.

Speaker 8:

Yeah the.

Speaker 4:

there's some really great things, like the family that we're getting Bernoulli from has cats. Ginger won't be anything new. He'll have seen cats before. Ginger has seen dogs before, but still we're going to want to watch that and we're going to watch Munson with him and Beaker and just the whole dynamic.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and Beaker and just the whole dynamic. Yeah, one of the things that's good about this little puppy's personality, as the mom and dad said, is he's well, he they said that he's brave, like assertive and brave, and I think we need that as a as the little puppy coming into the mix, like having a little brave guy is pretty, is pretty important, because Beaker's a whole lot of nonsense and bunsen's huge. So having a brave little guy to deal with nonsense and a giant dog, I think that'll be pretty handy. All right, so that's the bernoulli news and just quickly, if you missed, the family section on the science podcast we talked about, we were, I was a little worried about bunsen. Actually, I'm not gonna lie, monday was a holiday for us in canada. It's what? Was it? Labor day? No, no, victoria day, right yes yeah, victoria.

Speaker 3:

Sorry, victoria day, because we're still what are we? A constitutional monarchy? Is that what our?

Speaker 3:

government is okay, so we're still. We still have ties to england. Um, we didn't get mad and throw the tea overboard, we just stopped writing back home and they forgot about us for a while. But anyways, so we still. We get a day off for the queen, anyways. Um, when I woke up in the morning, bunsen was walking with his head sideways, like completely sideways, and I was like, oh my god, what's wrong with you, buddy? And he, then he straightened his head out, but he was not himself like, he was not himself at all.

Speaker 4:

He was and we weren't here at all on sunday, like we had our 12-hour day our 12-hour drive but adam was home adam was home. So there, hello beaker, come here. There shouldn't have been any shenanigans like throughout the day Cause, but we thought maybe he jumped up, maybe he hurt his leg again, maybe he hurt his shoulder, maybe he was overcompensating.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but it was worrisome because he wasn't himself and he was drooling from the one side. So of course, like I was a dummy and I went on like dog web, md, and it's like your dog could have had a stroke, I'm like, oh my God, no. So I was like testing him, whatever, whatever, whatever cognitive thing I like searched, like how can you tell if a human's had a stroke? And then I tried to do that to Bunsen. So I didn't think he had one, cause he wasn't like walking in circles or part of his body was limp, but like he definitely the whole day monday he wasn't himself, he couldn't, he wasn't settling and we're like he's been out of sorts before because he's bunsen, he's diva. The next day he got better. So like tuesday was better and then wednesday he was 95 back to himself but by then you already made a vet I made a vet appointment because everything was closed Monday.

Speaker 3:

It was holiday and I didn't think it was like an emergency to take him into a merge. So Tuesday I called in the morning and they're like, yeah, we can get him in on Thursday, I'm like perfect. And then by Thursday he was fine. So by Thursday he was completely fine and we took him into the vet and I wasn't there for that.

Speaker 4:

So I'll let you finish, chris, you were there at the beginning to be able to describe the symptoms that you were noticing. Yeah, because you're always up first, not always. Sometimes I'm up at 5 am with him. Yeah, but you were up to see the tilt, the head tilt, and she's well, that could definitely be an ear infection, but we're gonna do a once over just to make sure. And she's well, that could definitely be an ear infection, but we're going to do a once over just to make sure.

Speaker 4:

And she checked out his leg, um, but anyway, so she did a cranial nerve test on him after you had left and it was amazing. It was amazing because, like I was behind bunsen just rubbing his back, just so that he was, um, feeling relaxed, and she was doing all the bebop, boop and like, flashing the light in his eyes and checking his ears and doing the test to see if how his reflexes were, and she's just doing this. And then she stopped and she looked at him in the face and she's you are so cute and bunsen is so cute, right?

Speaker 3:

and he was and he was probably so happy, proud when he heard that, because he knows yeah, he was so proud, but meanwhile he doesn't love going to the vet no he, he gets a little antsy and that room probably shot up. What 10 degrees yeah there's a sauna in there it was, I was sweating, I was in my dress clothes and I was sweating. But anyways, chris, go to. The people are worried, like what happened.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah oh, he tested out perfectly fine. And then she did the swab and then went and checked on it and the swab showed the ear infection and she said, yeah, so what happens with dogs and then head tilt sometimes is that ear infection. But she says he must have caught it soon or quickly because like she was surprised at the amount of specimen I guess that was on his slide because like on her visual inspection she was like it didn't look that bad. Yeah, but we were there and so now he doesn't love your drops. Who does beaker? Uh, so now I'm washing both dog's ears, so beaker is just getting one good wash for a good measure. And then I close the lid and then I pretend to put drops in her ears and she's just like oh, she loves it she's a weirdo.

Speaker 3:

She comes for the medicine that bunsen gets, so we have to give her fake medicine because she thinks she's, and bunsen runs away yeah, she's give me some of that medicine. Same thing at the vet. If she gets her shot, she like follows the vet around. You got another one of those. What's happening back there?

Speaker 4:

you got another one of those shots she tries to follow them in the back.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, she's what's in the back, you go, what's it back? There's some more drugs back there. Give me, give it to all of it, please. Okay.

Speaker 4:

Did I do the story service?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, that was good, that was awesome, all right, so should we go to community sharing community questions?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and I see that we have Kuno, yeah and Chesney.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's a big Oilers game tonight. All right, so we'll go to community sharing, community questions. I think Chris is just going to deal with the dogs right now. Just a couple ground rules we will definitely invite you up to speak if you've been a speaker before. If you're not known to us, we do double check your profile. So we do double check a bunch of things before you're up to speak. And if we don't get a good feeling because this is a family friendly most of the time with Chris, sometimes we break the family friendly rule you may not get up to speak. Okay, so we'll go to Paula and then, I think if then after that, maybe Marla, if you want to chime in, but you're doing great with Ko and chesney right now, so we'll go to paula on twitter spaces paula, hello, hello hi, how's everybody doing?

Speaker 3:

good hello congratulations.

Speaker 10:

I'm like like the great aunt over here. I'm like so verklempt with these puppy pictures of vernon. He is so cute and I think now we got to get another t-shirt with maybe some physics on there, with wings stuff, with your little puppy picture. You could have another T-shirt going for that.

Speaker 8:

That's for sure yeah.

Speaker 10:

Cute, but man, it's gonna be another merch upgrade with more stuffies. I can't wait.

Speaker 3:

Not just yet. Not just yet.

Speaker 10:

I know, I know I'm so excited for you guys. They're so cute and they're like little bears and I'm if anybody doesn't know this, I'm a professional dog walker and a long time ago I had a client and she had, I think, 14 Bernese Mountain Dog puppies and I was. I came in right when the litter was pretty much like a little bit smaller than yours, maybe they were like six weeks, and I sat in that dog pen and played with them all afternoon because it was just like mayhem. It just like you couldn't get enough of puppy. They are so cute. So congratulations to you and Chris. I'm so excited. I just think that was the best news. I had a funny feeling something was up, but I wasn't too sure.

Speaker 3:

But I was like oh man, what are you getting, what are you doing? You're just like secret mission.

Speaker 10:

So I secret mission Sunday. Yeah, secret mission Sunday. That's right, that's quite a drive to it. That's pretty crazy. But good for you. And, as they say, and my husband's Jewish but mazel top. So good for you and I just hope you guys have the best. Too bad you're so far away because I'd be sitting here playing with him too. But anyway, and Trixie's good. She's been doing better. She had school this week. She had to learn some new things. It was quite funny. She has to learn to walk around cones, so she's excelling and when she gets it she does pretty well. So we're moving forward in her training and hopefully maybe she can go into agility, because that's what I'd like to try to see if she can do, because she's she's pretty fast when she chases a ball. So we'll see what happens I, I love that.

Speaker 3:

That's so cool. Paula, um, yeah, and that's. And then, chris, you can chime in too. Uh, the dog trainer at wag Char that's one of the things she always says is that people have this misconception about small dogs, that small dogs can't do obedience and can't do agility and things like that. But they're highly intelligent. There's no reason a little tiny dog or a small breed dog can't do any of that stuff.

Speaker 10:

I mean what you said is a prime example. In puppy school we have some big dogs, we have Great Dane puppies and everything. They look like moose. They're huge, they do. Her name is Eleanor she's and they keep calling her a Dalmatian and the owner says this is not a Dalmatian because they said when they go someplace like an open mall, people stopped them and said, oh, what a nice Dalmatian is. This is way too big to be a Dalmatian because she's huge and she's only 10 months.

Speaker 10:

It's so funny and I'm like how much more is this dog going to grow and eat? Because every week we see her. She's like expanding, but it takes her a little bit of time to know it, but then, like second time in, trixie's on the ball and gets it. So Trixie needs a little more confidence. She's a little bit shy. She's a snark at home but she's shy in public. So she just needs a little bit more like socialization. We're trying really hard and be positive with that. But that's the update with Trixie. So we'll keep you posted and hopefully I'll get in, because I heard that there's quite a long wait for agility class. So I'm hoping I'll be able to get in. But it should be fun because I did it with.

Speaker 10:

Olive. Olive was actually doing really well in it, and then we went one night and they have the ramps where they go up and the lady made it really high and spooked her and she never did it again, oh. So, yeah, it was pretty unfortunate. So this time we're going to be really make sure that Trixie knows, because she goes fast. And I don't know if anybody saw, but Westminster Dog Show, I guess, was on a few weeks ago and they had, I think it was a Papillon that did agility and you should see that sucker move. He's weaving in and out of the poles and he goes like a tornado and I guess he won. But it was.

Speaker 10:

It's amazing to see that little dog go. So look it up on YouTube because it is quite funny. Again, enough about me, but I just wanted to say congratulations to you both. I am just thrilled and I can't wait to see and hear about the adventures and how everybody, even Ginger, is going to take it. So we'll see what happens, but I think she'll be okay. You guys got a house full of love there, so congrats again.

Speaker 3:

The funny thing that I think is going to happen is beaker's going to take refuge with ginger away from the puppy.

Speaker 10:

That's my guess yeah, maybe, huh, I think so, or some. It's going to be a testing game at first, because the puppy's not, if it doesn't know a cat, it's going to go right to her. So it'll be, never mind lemons. It'll be attractive to see, because olive didn't know what cats were, and the first one she saw she just like beeline for it, and then it was like the cat was like and she just screeched to a halt. It was pretty funny. But she always knew the word cat though, because you know she just thought it was the like a big skunk or something, I don't know. But anyway, all right, guys, have a good. I hope everybody has a good week and have a great time with them. I can't wait to hear when you pick them up.

Speaker 3:

Thanks, Paula.

Speaker 4:

Thanks, Paula.

Speaker 3:

Okay, Marla, if you want to chime in, go ahead. I want to thank you so much for the video you made of the Rolling Bone magazine. That was so cute.

Speaker 4:

I magazine. That was so cute. I hope you enjoy it. I hope you enjoyed the stories in it. What did you think about the neighborhood? Watch a movie that was fantastic.

Speaker 11:

The whole magazine is fantastic, it's.

Speaker 3:

You need more we'll have to do volume two.

Speaker 11:

Yes, absolutely, and we just want to keep it short today. And, oh my God, congratulations on your upcoming delivery. It's how do we get more excited about that than people having children? Like, we shouldn't, but we do, we do. Funny story today Chesney and I were out for a dog walk. And Chesney and I were out for a dog walk and sitting on the boulevard in the grass was this abandoned Oilers flag that must have broken off of somebody's car.

Speaker 11:

And so since then she has. She picked it up and she brought it home Like she proudly pranced a solid kilometer and a half carrying this thing. She's now the dedicated flag girl for the team.

Speaker 3:

I love that. I'm not sure, if I.

Speaker 11:

Oh yeah, she just Can you bring it.

Speaker 2:

Got it Bring it Good girl.

Speaker 11:

Good girl.

Speaker 3:

There you go, you got it. Yes, good girl, she's a sweetheart. It's one one right now. Marla, you're watching it in the background. I just checked the scores we got it up.

Speaker 11:

They're waiting for the gold treats. Oh, you're losing a hat. He's like I don't care, there's beef, somebody better score anyhow. That was it. We just wanted to say congratulations to you guys. I think that is so fantastic. This is gonna be such an exciting year we're yeah, we're ready to have no sleep.

Speaker 3:

It's all good it's not necessary.

Speaker 11:

It's only really no sleep for the first month.

Speaker 8:


Speaker 11:

And after that it should be blissful nights and chaotic days, yeah, yeah. So congratulations to you guys. I'm sure when I say all of Twitter, it's just going to be over the moon. So this is. I can't even think of any thing. This is the best news that's probably ever been on Twitter. They're going to break the internet.

Speaker 3:

At least lately, at least lately.

Speaker 11:

So, yeah, that's it for us. Great to speak to you guys.

Speaker 3:

Thanks, marla, and we again one more time. We so appreciate you shooting a little video about rolling bone and then I think some of the people that follow you and maybe don't follow us they saw it and they picked up some, so we really appreciate that.

Speaker 11:

If they follow us and don't follow you, then they should follow you, because you guys are still the best thing on the internet.

Speaker 3:

We do, don't follow you then they should follow you, because you guys are still the best thing on the internet. We do our part and you're a big part of the positive stuff as well well, thank you all right, thanks, marla.

Speaker 3:

Go, oilers, go. So for the people not entrenched in hockey culture, the edmonton oilers are there. I forget which. What is this? The conference finals is what this is. So they're playing the dallas stars. They won one game. That was a tight game last game, and if they beat the stars they're off to the stanley cup, which will be bananas. I was in my second year of my science degree when the Edmonton Oilers made it to the Stanley Cup. That's how long it's been since the Edmonton Oilers made it to the Stanley Cup, so that was a while ago and Edmonton was at mayhem. Edmonton was absolute mayhem during that Stanley Cup run. So I think if it looks like they're going to beat the stars, things are going to go crazy.

Speaker 4:

Okay, who does Donna Craig cheer for Dallas?

Speaker 3:

Probably not the Oilers. She's from Texas. I don't think Donna's here. We'll have to ask her.

Speaker 4:

We'll have to ask. We'll have to ask she showed us, when she drove us around, where the teams play.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's true, that is right.

Speaker 4:

This is the Mavericks and I'm like no idea.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Mavericks, I know this is the so-and-so.

Speaker 3:

I don't know when our hotel was, right across the street from where the Mavericks practice, like the practice facilities.

Speaker 4:

Okay, okay, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

That's fine. I'm not a sports fan I'm not really anymore either, to be honest with you but I get excited when the Oilers do well, because I spent a big part of my life in Edmonton going to school.

Speaker 4:

Jason, I would hope that you would never be nothing but honest with me.

Speaker 3:

Okay, all right, so we have. Let's go to a speaker on spaces. Sure, I think Susan is next, but then Susan dropped down and then came back, so we'll honor that. Susan was up here before everybody else. Go ahead, susan.

Speaker 5:

I got my Vultures of Parliament stuff. Yay, it's awesome. And I'm just wondering are there really hockey teams in Texas?

Speaker 3:

Yes, the Dallas Stars. Yeah, there's the Dallas.

Speaker 5:

That just seems so unusual, and I'm also wondering when you and Chris, when your last day of schools are.

Speaker 3:

Oh, when? Our last day? Oh, I'd have to check the calendar. I think june 28th is my last day oh my god, that's so late yeah, I, I think I don't know it really depends on when you come back to school too, right like I know some american places. They are out for start of june but they're back the start of august. We don't go back until the end of August and usually the kids don't come back until the it's like September 4th or something. So I don't know if that helps Susan.

Speaker 5:

You'll get the puppy while your guys are still working.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's the rough go. The same exact thing happened with Beaker. We got Beaker when we were still teaching. We got Bunsen the day we got Bunsen, like almost July 1st, like Canada Day.

Speaker 4:

No, jason, we got. We got Bunsen on our Duncan's birthday, july 3rd.

Speaker 3:

Okay, that's what I meant. Like we got I was trying to remember exactly, but we were done teaching. We were done teaching, but we got Beaker in June. Speaker, um, in june, yeah, in june. So we've got a plan, uh, for the puppy. I'm going, I have a prep in the morning, so I'm going to borrow a bit from my prep and then chris is going to come home at lunch and then I'm going to leave right after school and come home and then chris is going to come home and we're going to try. We're just going to trade, trade off to make it work and to adam doesn't necessarily work until noon.

Speaker 4:

He's off of university, so he's going to be able to help out too. Yep, so we do have a plan. It's not ideal, but sometimes opportunity knocked and in this case, um, they weren't available to be homed until may 27th, so in two days. But we need the weekend to be able to travel. It's actually perfect that it's going to be june 1st, because then that just is just so much closer to when we're off. Is this? We're just going to make it work yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

I'm super excited. I just find it amazing that, like all over the world, people are like rooting for you and the new puppy.

Speaker 3:

It hits me right in the heart sometimes that this thing and it's all the people we only do what we do because people connect with what we do. So, yeah, it does hit me in the heart sometimes, Susan.

Speaker 5:

You guys are amazing and you bring so much joy to every, to everybody that follows you all over the world.

Speaker 3:

Oh, thank you. Thank you, susan, really appreciate that it's. That's nice. It's nice to hear because some weeks we have we're normal people. We have good weeks and bad weeks, just like normal people do. So it's good to hear that, thank you yeah, thank you, susan okay jason I'll share after everybody goes.

Speaker 4:

Maybe about butkus and let everybody know about that too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, at the end, okay, we've got a whole bunch of new speakers, but we're gonna try our best to go and order everybody and my phone wasn't fully charged so spaces will last as long as my phone has charge. So just a heads up there we'll go to. I believe the order is jamie, jen, tracy, brent, karen.

Speaker 8:

So jamie, go ahead good morning and congratulations on your new baby. I'm so pleased for you. Puppy, puppyppy, puppy puppy it worked.

Speaker 3:

It worked.

Speaker 4:

But it's not a new fee.

Speaker 3:

That's okay.

Speaker 4:

For anybody who was putting bets on new fees. That would never have happened. Never ever, never, ever, never, ever, never.

Speaker 8:

I was mildly disappointed that it wasn't a new fee, but Bernie's is 99%. Second, it's a really good choice and when you get another girl dog, a beryllium barrel works really well. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

We like. We like burette for a girl.

Speaker 8:

Yeah, okay, yeah, yeah. No, our dogs are good. Jenna's feeling our tropical cold, but she's coming up on 11 and she does have gammy back legs, so she's having a little bit of a limp. She lives in her coat to keep her warm and the two younger ones just say, ah, coat, whatever. But River, with no under fur, would like to live in his coat, but his hair would probably fall out from it, never seeing the light of day ever again. And Henry, the rooster behind me growing, thinks it's good weather too. It's fur out. Yes, thank you, henry. Our tropical autumn and winter is brilliant blue skies all the time. The rain stops in sort of April and it doesn't start again until maybe November, december, and we just have brilliant blue skies and a little bit of cold. Chris, you can always come and visit.

Speaker 3:

Chris may take that up One of these winters. She's going to take you up on that, jamie.

Speaker 8:

Yeah, she's always welcome. There's a spare bed and dogs to play with. But congratulations on the baby. Everybody's looking forward to it, thank you thanks, jamie thanks, jamie okay.

Speaker 3:

Oh, kuno and chesney had to go. They're watching the game. I'm gonna keep the chiron live so people can. Who are watching it's? Uh, oilers and stars are tied at one a piece. Okay, we'll go to I believe I said jen, tracy, brent, karen. I apologize if I got that wrong. We'll go to jen and then tracy, so go ahead, jen thanks.

Speaker 7:

First congrats on the new baby oh, thank you what a beauty.

Speaker 7:

And again, you know I'm a cat person, but you keep making me want to have a dog. Um. Number two I'm glad for the heads up on the older game. I'm just gonna call my parents but I won't be able to because they'll just ignore me because the game is on, probably, yeah, exactly. Third thing, I'm I was worried about ginger, but I was happy to hear that you've got a plan for her with the new puppy. It'll be interesting to see the new allegiance wars, so to speak. Yeah, you should record that I'm I totally agree. I think there'll be new alliances there with the new puppy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah and yeah, sorry, go ahead no, I was just gonna say I have ideas in my head, like if bunsen loves puppies, he loves little things, so my guess he'll be just as kind and gentle to this puppy as he was to Beaker. But Beaker's never really been around a puppy and my guess she's going to have to grow a little bit and she might, like I said, she might take refuge with her frenemy the cat.

Speaker 7:

That's right. Just friends and jealousy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah no-transcript. Awesome Thanks, jen. Yeah, okay, we'll go over to Tracy. Go ahead, tracy. I know your connection may be spotty. Congrats on the puppy. Thanks, Tracy.

Speaker 6:

I have to do a re-listen later because I'm at work, but just quick, quick update. He's being super snuggly and getting his belly rubs per usual, eating all his food. He ate two cans of food today, so we're so far still looking good for his birthday on June 1st and I'm still taking off that weekend, so hopefully he'll be turning 13.

Speaker 3:

I love that. We're so happy he's still doing well. I love that. Thank you. Okay, Thanks Tracy. Oh, we lost Brent. Maybe Brent might come back. So we'll go to.

Speaker 4:

Brent. Brent is still on there's.

Speaker 3:

Brent. I'm sorry. Go ahead, Brent. I have my to save battery. I have my phone on such low brightness it's hard to actually see. Go ahead, Brent. Sorry about that.

Speaker 9:

Hi Brent. Hi for the posting in the comment thing below, down below the space. I was invited to the Ontario. I was invited to the Ontario legislature this past week to an adoption event for the guide dogs and it was a phenomenal experience for me to be invited to the legislature as a disability advocate to help with the guide dog campaign of adoption.

Speaker 3:

Ah, that's so great, Chris, can you put? If Brent posted that, would you mind putting that in the nest?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I'm just looking for it.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to use my phone very much, so I have as much battery power as possible. Sorry, brent, hello, oh, hi, hello. We'll get to you in a second, carla. Thank you, okay. Thank you, yeah, no worries. No worries at all. Okay, brent? Thank you for the story. Is your story done? I don't want to cut you short.

Speaker 9:

One of the guide dogs is one of the guide dogs that I previously trained, so we were reunited again.

Speaker 3:

Aw, that's great. What type of dog breed was it? Or is it a mix?

Speaker 9:

A golden retriever.

Speaker 3:

Oh, so sweet, so sweet. Okay, thanks, brent.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I remember, Brent, that you were scared of dogs, but it was the golden retriever that helped you get over your fear, which is just so heartwarming because we have a golden and we are golden before right. They're just such good dogs. Thank you, Brent, that's awesome, I'm still looking for your post.

Speaker 3:

Jen, your hand is up. Is it something quick, or do you want us to come back to you?

Speaker 7:

Yeah, just I want to respond to Brent. If there's any way we can support what you're doing, let us know. That would be great, thank you.

Speaker 3:

Perfect. Yeah, Brent does a lot of disability advocacy. We'll check his profile and Chris is trying to find that clip, that post. Okay, we'll go to Karen and then to Carla. Karen, hello.

Speaker 2:

Hi, yeah, I actually forgot what I was going to talk about, because there was something I wanted to share, but now I lost that, thinking about the new puppy and everything else. Oh, anyway, so just congratulations, and I think the game is about to start up for the second period. I'm sure Carla and Kuno and Chesney are thoroughly entranced in that. Now, have a great week everyone. Sorry about that.

Speaker 3:

No, it's okay, I've got the score live on the Chiron on the live video. I've got this little thing scrolling across the bottom.

Speaker 2:

If that looks like period two is about to start, yeah, I'm sure it was something about hockey, but I don't remember now.

Speaker 3:

Okay thanks, karen. Alright, we'll go to Carla. Hello Carla.

Speaker 5:

Hi, how's everybody Hi? Hello Hi.

Speaker 1:

I'm really sorry, guys. I've had a lot of technical trouble tonight. I've been in and out here and trying to catch all these wonderful stories from wonderful people, and I love the new puppy store. My gosh, there's nothing better than a new puppy. This is the best thing in the whole wide world. And I put my two spoiled dogs to bed and I thought I would jump on here for a little bit and just wish everyone a happy Memorial Day and thank goodness for those who gave of themselves so we can have these nights like this and we can have our dogs and our freedoms and our loves and everything in our lives that we have. And thank goodness for all of you here. We love our dogs.

Speaker 1:

Once again, I'm experiencing some technical trouble. I live in northwest Missouri. We are going to get hit really hard by storms I think there's some on the way, so I may have to get off here, but God bless everyone in their work and all of their love for dogs and cats and animals in general. And you guys take care and I will be with you again soon.

Speaker 3:

Oh, Carla, that was so sweet. What a great comment that you just made.

Speaker 1:

Oh, thank you, Love you guys.

Speaker 3:

Okay, take care.

Speaker 1:

You too. Thank you, bye-bye.

Speaker 3:

Bye, that was sweet, that was great. I love that awesome. I forgot the canadians and americans. We have slightly different holidays sometimes. So you're, this coming monday is memorial day, but we don't have that in canada, at least I don't think we do do. Do we have? We have Membran's Day, which is similar.

Speaker 4:

We have Membran's Day, which is on their Veterans Day.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

And they honor their fallen on Veterans Day. I think I saw a post about it earlier and I was looking for it because there's a difference.

Speaker 3:

If any of the American speakers want to let us know they can. There's a difference between the two. The American speakers want to let us know they can.

Speaker 4:

There's a difference between the two.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like I know. Paula, if you're still listening, you live in the States. You're an American. Jamie's of no help. She's part of the Commonwealth.

Speaker 10:

Yes, Memorial Day weekend is Monday. It's always observed, I think, on a Monday.

Speaker 8:

No, I'm no help for anything.

Speaker 10:

Yeah, we have Anzac, day which is 23rd of April.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, australia is one of the Commonwealth countries, like Canada. We're one of the great leftovers of the British Empire that we haven't really said our firm goodbyes yet. We're just still hanging on.

Speaker 4:

Paula was explaining the difference between the two, oh.

Speaker 3:

I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to talk over you, paula. I'm so sorry, maybe my audio cut out. I'm so sorry.

Speaker 10:

No, that's okay. I wasn't sure about the question. I think you said the difference between yours and your holiday and ours.

Speaker 3:

No, I just Go ahead, Chris.

Speaker 4:

I was wondering about. You have Veterans Day and then you have Memorial Day and there's a difference between the two.

Speaker 10:

Yes, because Veterans Day is usually for those, all the people that have served in the military this is what I'm thinking and Memorial Day are the ones that usually have fallen in wars.

Speaker 3:

Oh gotcha.

Speaker 10:

You remember them that way, if I'm right. I hope I'm right, but yeah okay and also I wanted to say too, happy birthday to adam bodadam the dadam. Happy birthday, adam you bet.

Speaker 5:

I just wanted to echo what Paul said. Memorial Day in the United States is dedicated to those who served and okay that makes sense as it's a memorial, I get it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, gotcha, thank you know, like we don't. It's not something I learned in school what the American holidays are sometimes all about, unless it's Independence Day, because I watched a Will Smith movie about that. Apparently, on your Independence Day you guys fight aliens and like that's the gist of it. On your Independence Day, a whole lot of aliens and explosions. Jeff Goldblum makes an appearance. That's an exciting day. When Jeff Goldblum shows up to anything, I'll tell you right now that would be a great holiday.

Speaker 5:

Yes, we do.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so that's true.

Speaker 5:

Independence Day is absolutely about that.

Speaker 3:

Okay, gotcha Okay. As a Canadian I was just a little confused in the theaters watching Independence Day. I was like, okay, Can you imagine if they made a Canada Day version of that? And it was just like the most Canadian thing ever to confuse everybody. And it was all the stereotypes Like here comes the aliens and there's like Mounties on moose fighting with politeness.

Speaker 4:

Oh, you can't do that, we already have it with a John Candy movie. Yeah, you can't do that, we already have it with a john candy movie.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you can't do that. Eh, you're not this. You can't park there. Eh, we're gonna give you a. We're gonna give a stern warning, and after that stern warning, we're gonna give you a written warning. And then, after that written warning, we're gonna raise our voices if you aliens don't just get up out of here.

Speaker 2:

Eh, no, that sounds about right.

Speaker 3:

That sounds about right. Susan, did you want to say something? You're coming back up, sorry, go ahead.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, the moose legs best thing ever.

Speaker 3:

Love you guys All right, oh, we got some comments.

Speaker 4:

Chrisris, was there anything in the chat? My chat has maxed out at 18. Okay, um, like I know there's more in the chat, likely, yeah, but even even when I refresh, there's nothing else there okay um, cara has the funny thing where in canada we measure distance by drive time, like how far is it to grand prairie six hours? Away six hours alberta road trip, um, and we took the aris, which is a small car and jason loves his car for short distances because you got a little stiff yeah I'm short.

Speaker 4:

I'm short, I can fit in any car. It's fine, but for you it was a little rough yeah at the end oh, is that you or me, chris?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

is that's me is that you?

Speaker 3:

how is it so loud though?

Speaker 4:

I don't know. It's not even turning off. I'm hitting pause.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I think it was me. I think we're we're connected in our great big multicast. So when your system, I got it, it was me. I don't know why there's an alarm set for seven, oh five, on this phone.

Speaker 4:

What is happening at seven?

Speaker 3:

Oh five, I don't know there's some kind of weird alarm set for 7.05.

Speaker 4:

I set the alarm for the septic alarm.

Speaker 2:

It's time for the second dinner.

Speaker 8:

Yeah, I was going to say more food for the dogs.

Speaker 3:

There you go. Actually, we're supposed to say hello to the folks in Newfoundland who are half an hour behind everybody. That's what we're supposed to do.

Speaker 4:

No, that's funny. Hello, people from Newfoundland we love newfoundland who are half an hour behind everybody. That's what we're supposed to do?

Speaker 3:

no, that's funny people from newfoundland. We love newfoundland. It's so funny. Have you been to newfoundland? No, you didn't get to go we didn't go to newfoundland no, my dad loves it there, we. He keeps saying you got to go to newfoundland, it's gorgeous, the people there are the best. So it's just so far away, like it's as far as just about from us to hawaii really yeah like almost don't fact check me on that, but I think it's correct I I likely wouldn't be able to understand them not a far drive I don't think you can drive to newfoundland.

Speaker 3:

It's an actual island you'd have to take a ferry you can get to her mainland.

Speaker 4:

there's a's an actual island. You'd have to take a ferry. There's a main line. Jason, Is there a bridge?

Speaker 3:

Oh, probably you can get to Labrador. Where's Rich? Rich, dang it. If Rich was here, he'd be able to explain the East Coast ways to us Landlocked Albertans. I took a bridge from New Brunswick to Nova Scotia. Though we need to talk, we need to get Rich. I'll email Rich, I'll DM Rich, he'll know. Tk is asking do they speak French in Newfoundland?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

That's a version of English, I think.

Speaker 4:

They speak French in New Brunswick. It's our only bilingual province. They all speak French in Quebec Iswick. It's our only bilingual province and they all speak French in.

Speaker 3:

Quebec? Yeah, is that where my colleague is from New Brunswick, sylvie Belziel, like they're from? Yeah, they're from New Brunswick. Very French, I don't get any of her jokes at all. French humor is like something else I'll tell you.

Speaker 4:

So funny. But when I went to Quebec for my high-intensity French immersion program, they definitely went over Quebecois idioms and humor and the sayings that they have and it was like okay.

Speaker 3:

You came back a different person for about a month. You were like part French. When you came back you were Quebecois. After that trip, trip, I'm like who is this lady? You're like watch out for the bibits and you're like we must go in the cold water and la mem shows or something. You were like speaking french c2 bush, c2 bush yeah, c2 bush, watch out for the bibit.

Speaker 3:

And I'm like, what are you talking about? And you're like you must move in the water and watch out for the bugs because if you move in the water you stay warm, say and then you were. You had wine every day and cheese every day shakshur shakshur shakshur wine and cheese every single day every day yeah it's crazy that's a lot of cheese and a lot of wine that's why.

Speaker 3:

That's why their humor makes sense to them yeah if you've had a couple glasses of wine and somebody's like the chair is walking down, the chair has legs, the chair has a mustache then's.

Speaker 4:

Maybe that's why, when you think of Belle and the Beauty and the Beast and it's like the French and in the castle they all became personified.

Speaker 3:

That makes sense because that movie is very French. That whole thing takes place in the small french provincial town. I believe that's in the opening stanza of bell's song yeah I really like beauty and the beast, that that new, that the disney movie. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a I'm a disney guy. Okay, I'm gonna check the scores and then we'll do a little wrap-up. I have six percent left on my phone, okay. So while you check the scores and then we'll do a little wrap up, I have 6% left on my phone.

Speaker 4:

Okay, so while you check the scores, I will tell people about Buckus. This week I was talking with Melissa. Melissa is my niece, and Melissa and Val have two dogs. Buckus took a very bad turn for the worst. He had an infection in his eyes and so they got some drops. And he was 17, almost 17 years old, and this past week they the vet said there's nothing more we can do. He his back legs, he had arthritis, he wasn't doing well. On Wednesday I went to see him to say goodbye and so I went over and I just said you're the very best dog and I'm going to miss you so much. And then they took him in on Thursday because the vet said that his quality of life was was no more. It was like that scale that they do.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's a very important. It's a very important scale for your dog. It's a hard scale, but it's a very important scale.

Speaker 4:

And it was funny because I was there and they're like yeah, so we told we said Buccas, you can eat all the toilet seats when you go over the rainbow bridge. He would eat toilet seats, yeah, so we like had a good laugh, but it was just a very sad time for her and the family and they buried Buccas out at our pet cemetery here on the farm and yeah, but he had a good life.

Speaker 3:

He was almost 17 that is a good life for a dog super healthy for all of it.

Speaker 4:

Just at the end he, val, said I've noticed some things like lumps. He was blind, going blind, yeah, so I just wanted to let everybody know.

Speaker 3:

And people may have heard us occasionally talk about Buccas and seen some pictures of him. It's not something that the average person who follow us would know who Buccas is, but we know who Buccas is Right. So that was. It was a hard, definitely super hard week for our nieces family and we were affected as well.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then that also made you a little bit more worried about bunsen, because you never know right when you just never know yeah because we're not vets no, I think the one thing that what melissa said that was really important was that he had a great, big long life, and I think that's all anybody can hope for with their pet and with themselves. Really, if I have a great, big long life, okay, perfect. Great big long life sounds like a good goal to aim for. Okay that's. I don't know if we have some kind of like way to sounds like a good goal to aim for. Okay, that's. I don't know if we have some kind of way to bounce back from the sad news.

Speaker 4:

Well, you were looking at the game scores.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't know. Oops, I don't want to press that, that's going to crash everything. Oops, oops, oops, oops, nope, it hasn't. Oh, it's second period. No, no score okay, still tied till, still tied, yeah, still tied. So I'm gonna present my screen sure okay, oh, I don't know if I can oh a window this, I may crash everything.

Speaker 4:

So I apologize, but if you're on, and if so, then we had a great pet chat. Thank you all for coming.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's right If this destroys the thing. Yes, you're right, chris, go ahead.

Speaker 4:

We had a great time with everybody tonight. Thank you for sharing your stories. Thank you for coming up to speak. We love hearing from you and sharing with you in our joys and sorrows. That it comes as pet chat, as we talk about our pets, our loved ones.

Speaker 3:

So I, on the sneak, moved some of the photos that were sent to us literally an hour ago of Bernoulli to my computer and I'm going to share them on the live video you are so lucky the live video, so you are so lucky live listeners.

Speaker 1:

Oh, he's so cute.

Speaker 4:

Look at that, look at that puppy, look at him.

Speaker 3:

This is my favorite. He's eating grass.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

And then he's in the grass.

Speaker 4:

He's like why are you taking my pictures?

Speaker 3:

All right, that's it. Sorry, that's all I have.

Speaker 4:

He has an RBF resting Bernoulli face.

Speaker 3:

You know what? That's right. He doesn't have Bunsen's like happy pant yet, Bunsen, but when Bunsen was little he had the happy face. So maybe Bernoulli is going to be a little bit more serious face. I don't know. Oh, am I crashed? Things are not working here. Okay, I'm going to you are not crashed.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'm going to quit this before things go bad. Okay, all right, and if you were watching on twitter spaces and you don't didn't get to see that, we'll post that, and there's a whole video that is freaking cute. After this, I'm gonna post it to the paw pack so our paw pack people get to see it. First, we need to do a draw for bark and beyond, because they have a 20 gift certificates before we run out of juice on my phone I have 2%. So, chris, how many people are in the space? And if you are, what? Two, seven, two, seven. And if you are watching live, drop a comment to be part of the draw so we'll get that draw done before my phone dies. We have almost 1,500 people watching us live, plus all the people on Instagram. Chris, like this is wild, that is a lot of people watching pet chat. Okay, one, two, two people who can comment. Not everybody watching on Twitter speed Twitter video can comment. You have to have the subscription to watch or to to to make a comment to Two.

Speaker 3:

Okay, three, three people. Okay, so 30,. Random number 30. Okay, here we go. So 20,. If I get a 27, if I get a 28, 29 or 30, then that means somebody on the other platforms wins. Okay, here we go. That means somebody on the other platforms win. Okay, here we go. Da-da-la-da-la, loading. It is number 16. So that's on spaces 4, 8, 12, 16. Oh, kevin Reeder, you win. That is Kevin. Kevin, you have won the prize from BarkAndBeyondSupplycom. Congratulations. So please contact Kevin BarkAndBeyondSupplycom. Congratulations. So please contact Kevin BarkAndBeyondSupplycom and they will hook you up with a prize. Oh, people are commenting on Instagram. I missed you guys. I'm sorry. We still wouldn't have got to you because it was ran. I got 16. It would have been 32. So I see you commenting there. Thank you, ginger the Beagle and X Carol 420.

Speaker 4:

Ginger the Beagle follows us on threads.

Speaker 3:

Really, oh, okay, because you run our threads. Account Chris.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. I'm sure we follow back.

Speaker 3:

Okay, and then Ginger the Beagle says congratulations to Kevin from Instagram, but Instagram is delayed by 20 seconds, so I actually don't know what kind of conversation I'm having. Ginger the beagle says hi chris. Ginger the beagle says hi, chris hi so just remember it's 100, chris on threads. If you're talking to anybody on threads, no, you've said some comments very rarely. You that's you were here with the dog so can we please wrap?

Speaker 4:

up and you have probably one percent okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I do have to give you props, chris, because we had zero followers on threads and now there's almost 11 000 followers on threads, so good job, you're doing great. Okay. Time to wrap up, everybody. Remember there's no pet chat next week because of baby puppy. I am thinking, though, on the way back, because it's going to be such a long drive. We might do a live video for the paw pack people, so yeah, we could.

Speaker 3:

We could do that in the car we could do that in the car for the paw pack people. Thank you to the folks who support us with the Paw Pack. Okay, time to wrap things up. Will you get a wrap-up music going here? There it is, wow. Thank you for coming to Pet Chat, to the over 1,000 people watching us and to the 40 to 60 people that have tuned in on audio. Thank you To our loyal Facebook listeners. Thank you, I have the stats for Facebook. There's three people. So thank you. Facebook Live, we see you. And then all of the Instagram people who've tuned in even for a second, because I get stats on that. It's like you have watched for one second and then peaced out, that's okay. And to everybody who comes regularly. We appreciate you so much.

Speaker 3:

So, as we wrap up, a couple things. If you saw Marla's amazing video of the Rolling Bone, we are. Our supplies are dwindling, so if you wanted to pick that up, check our website. I'll put that in the live there. That's BunsenBurnerBMDcom. So the code for Barkin' Beyond isn't going to work tonight because they have a deal on free shipping. I just got a DM, so there's free shipping at Bark and Beyond today, which is amazing. So you can't beat free shipping. That's the cheapest kind of shipping there is. Great. We'll be back in a couple weeks for Pet Chat and I am not sorry, but I am a bit sorry. You will be inundated in about a week with all of the puppy photos and videos. No-transcript.